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Q&A: Meet Walis Taywang, Seediq language activist
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Q&A: Meet Muhammad Zaman Sagar, Gawri language activist
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Interview with Gladys Camacho Rios, Quechua language digital activist
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The Rising Voices newsletter provides links to opportunities related to digital inclusion including access and adoption of digital tools, as well as different ways for communities to fully participate online.
Panel: How indigenous communities are combating misinformation by creating fact-checked resources in their native languages
Take part in a RightsCon panel discussion about the importance of providing fact-checking and verified information in indigenous languages of Latin America.
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Please join us in the 2nd in a series of online exchanges about language digital activism to take place on Thursday, July 30, 2023
Q&A with Language Warriors PH, a translators’ network in the Philippines
Language Warriors PH will host of @AsiaLangsOnline Twitter account during July 22-28, 2023. Find out about their work translating health content in various Philippine languages.
Indian activists publish the first online magazine in the Santali language
Language activists from the eastern Indian state of Odisha have recently published the very first online magazine in the Santali language.
The Rising Voices newsletter provides links to opportunities related to digital inclusion including access and adoption of digital tools, as well as different ways for communities to fully participate online.
Online Conversation: What does the future hold for indigenous languages online in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic?
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Q&A: Meet Nabil Berri, Acehnese language activist
Please meet Nabil Berri, the host of @AsiaLangsOnline Twitter account during July 08-14, 2023. He will be sharing his work with the Acehnese language, spoken in Indonesia.
Join us for cross-regional online exchanges about language digital activism
Through a new collaboration between Rising Voices and the Canadian Embassy in Mexico, we'll explore how language digital activism may play a meaningful role in the future of language revitalization.
Interview with Jermani Ojeda Ludeña, Quechua language digital activist
Learn more about Jermani Ojeda Ludeña. He manages the @ActLenguas Twitter account during June 8-14, 2023 and will speak about his work with the Quechua language.
MarginalizedAadhaar: Digital identity in the time of COVID-19
India's digital identification system is putting marginalised communities at a greater disadvantage during the COVID-19 pandemic.